On the development of Buddhist scripture illustration form and function from Dunhuang Buddhist texts and murals.

  • 2021-07-06 02:50:13
  • Didik
  • Artikel Ilmiah

Deskripsi Artikel
Judul Artikel On the development of Buddhist scripture illustration form and function from Dunhuang Buddhist texts and murals.
Pengarang/Penulis Acai, Zheng
Edisi 2020
Abstrak/Ringkasan This article uses images of the Buddha preaching (說法圖 shuofa tu) and depictions of sūtras (經變圖 jingbian tu) from Dunhuang murals, silk paintings, and paper paintings to integrate discussion of the written books, printed books, and scrolls with attached images found in the Dunhuang documents. It interprets and analyzes the images depicting the same textual content in terms of both style and subject matter. It also compares the accompanying text of Buddhist wall paintings and scroll paintings to explore the development and evolution of Buddhist art from a macro-level perspective. This article can provide a reference for studying the origin and branching off of Chinese Buddhist scriptural art and its influence.
Subjek/Kata Kunci Buddhist scripture illustration;Dunhuang written scriptures;grotto murals;jingbian painting;shuofa painting
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Tanggal Download 2021-07-06
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